Goff + Rosenthal, New York City
Solo Exhibition, April 2006

FROM THE PRESS RELEASE: The exhibition of charcoal-on-paper drawings in "The Tender Land" reflect Hunt's preoccupation with the ways in which humans have become increasingly divorced from the natural world and the ways we create facsimiles of nature that conform to lives increasingly lived in the sanitized sprawl of suburbia and cities.

The title of the exhibition is borrowed from the Aaron Copeland opera of the same name and, says Hunt, "suggests the fragility of the ecosystem that sustains us and the tenuous thread that ties our future to its survival. It also reflects the idea that the human spirit is similarly fragile and that the landscape of our emotional lives can be forever altered and reshaped by our experiences and the behavior of others."

All drawings are charcoal on rag paper unless otherwise indicated.


Death And The Maiden